Order Your Jahn 2023-24 Yearbook by Friday

Yearbooks will automatically be delivered to the school with an estimated date of June 4th. Once received, the community will be notified. 
Order Instructions: 
Step 1: Visit www.shop.memorybook.com
Step 2: Login if returning or new users click 'Register' to create an account using school code 165010M
Step 3: Select 'Order Now' Standard Book
There is an additional option to help Friends of Jahn pay for extras through Standard Yearbook Donation.
Step 4: Enter student information
Step 5: Buy a yearbook(s) for $20 + $0.99 online service fee.
Yearbooks will automatically be shipped to the school.
We can also accept cash or checks made out to Friends of Jahn in the main office.
Orders are due Friday, April 19, 2024.
Questions? Reach out to Friends of Jahn at [email protected]