Husky Spirit Week March 18-22

Get in the spirit for Husky Spirit Week March 18-22. Thank you to our Student Council for organizing! 
1. Monday - Sports Day
Wear sports clothing, jerseys, or shirts associated with sports

2. Tuesday - Twin Day
Dress the same as someone else - like a twin!

3. Wednesday - Dress as a Tourist Day
Dress in tourist-like clothes (sunglasses, tropical shirt, camera, etc.)
4. Thursday - Crayola Day
Dress all in one color, like a CRAYON!

5. Friday - Hat Day
Wear a cool, funky, or homemade hat!
Additionally, Student Council & Urban Initiatives will be having a "Spirit Week, March Madness Bracket."
Every class that participates or has the most "Original" outfit will move on to the next bracket until we have two (2) classrooms competing for the last spot on the last day of Spirit Week.
**We know some classes have more students than others which is why we also have "Most original" outfits to make it fair. Just because a class has more students does not mean they will exactly win especially if another class has someone with a very "Original" outfit that catches the judges' eyes.**
Student Council will be the judges! Advancements will be posted in the first-floor hallway. 
Spirit Week March