There will be a $5 suggested door donation to support Jahn arts programming as well as concession sales to support the 8th grade trip to Washington DC in the spring.
Calling all student artists and performers!...
Jahn Artist Booth! If you are creating an item to sell for the artisan market, please bring it to Ms. Lynch no later than after school this Friday (12/16) by the end of the day. Items should include a post it or some sort of tag with the following: Student's name, grade level, and price. Students will receive items that did not sell and/or their money from their sale the following week.
Open Mic Performances - Vocal, Instrumental, Dance, Comedy Etc. Open mic sign up is still open! If you are planning on performing at the open mic, please see Ms. Esquivel before the end of the school day on Thursday (12/15) or fill out the Google Form to secure your spot. There will be two open mic sets the day of the event, you will be assigned to perform in just one of them.
Set 1 – 11:30am-12:30pm
Set 2 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Set 2 – 1:00pm-2:00pm
Please make sure your performance choice is school appropriate, and that you show up on time the day of the event.
Volunteers, we need you! Please consider signing up for a shift (or two) HERE. We need help setting up on Friday after school and the day of the event.
Presented by the Jahn Arts Council in partnership with Friends of Jahn