Food Allergies in the Classroom

 A food allergy is an adverse immune system reaction that occurs soon after exposure to a certain food. A severe life-threatening allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis.
At Jahn, we are committed to supporting a healthy, safe, and inclusive learning environment for everyone.
This requires partnership from families and understanding about the role of food in the classroom. 
  • Please keep the classroom food-free to help avoid exposure to food allergies and lower the risk of an allergic reaction at school.
  • Mark birthdays, holidays, and other festivities with FUN, rather than food. Some ideas include classroom dance parties, scavenger hunts, and craft activities.
  • In line with CPS meals, consider sending nut-free substitutes, such as sun butter, in your child's lunch when possible.
  • Practice good hand washing after eating.
Learn more best practices in the resources below and how you can help explain to your child what it means to have a food allergy and how they can be a good friend to kids who are managing food allergies.